NEWS Wednesday 25th March 2020, 2:30pm
British Speedway's governing body, the British Speedway Promoters' Association (BSPA), has extended the delay to the start of the 2020 season.
NEWS Tuesday 17th March 2020, 12:00pm
British Speedway's governing body, the British Speedway Promoters' Association (BSPA), has announced that the British season has been placed on hold.
NEWS Monday 16th March 2020, 9:00am
Stellar Devils promotion have been closely monitoring the situation regarding the coronavirus and have now made some difficult decisions regarding the start of the season.
NEWS Wednesday 11th March 2020, 12:00pm
Armadale Stellar Devils 2020 line up is now complete with the signing of George Rothery.
NEWS Monday 2nd March 2020, 2:30pm
Armadale Stellar Devils have boosted the middle order of the 2020 team with the signing of Danny Phillips.